Tuesday, January 22, 2008

True Love

From the nicely put words of Mr. Schmus:

And remember, if someone really loves you, what would they want for
you? They would want the best for you. They would want you to grow in your faith and draw near to God, and not be distracted from that. Does this boy really love you? I know he's fond of you. I know he would like to spend time with you. And again, that feels really good. But I suspect that is largely due to his own wants and needs, more than out of true love for you. If he loved you with the sacrificial love of Christ, he wouldn't pressure you. Wait for that love! His family putting pressure on you, the same is true for them. They love him, not you. I'm sure they like you, but they don't have your best interests at heart. It's not their fault—they don't know Him. Don't judge them for it. Just realize that real love is found in Him and through Him. What the world has to offer is a lame substitute—basically two people using each other to get their needs met. Hollywood tells us to think otherwise, but please know, true love is rare, and when it's found, God is as the center of it. It takes a heart of sacrifice and humility to truly love, and that takes the Lord.

Thank you Sarah for sharing this. This really did make me...after reading, I felt these outbursts of answers of 'true love'.



Blogger 317537 said...


Do I get a banana for my thoughts?

January 23, 2008 at 12:05 AM  

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