Saturday, February 23, 2008

What a Banana

I basically talked with Kwang and apologized for everything, and I mean everything. He literally made me point out everything even things I don't remember, and things I didn't do and apologize. What did he do? Just that, and no apologies on his part. FINE, as long as I can repent and take back what I said about him, or the things I've done. Really, I felt free after that.

Well, I jsut found out he's been hanging out with friends of (ours) and they never invite me and a reason why is because he told them not to. Why? It would be awkward.

Well, I'm not angry, but maybe I feel more bitter than anything else. I've decided to shun him in all the things I do. Not literally, but I'm going to stop asking MY friends to invite him to anything and let them decide.

This man is stubborn, hypocritical, and he's also selfish. Ah, the things I dislike the most.

Well, seems like it's just me going to Baptism class, but that's okay, it does take time and I commend David and Leslie for their decision.

BTW, I love randomly talking to my friends for hours long and not only is it just about school and 'What should we do tomorrow?" but also about our families and our lifestyles.

Anyway, God Bless Everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ehehe.. banana

March 13, 2008 at 12:14 AM  

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